Hiroaki Umeda
„Intensional Particle“

As part from SYNAESTHETIX #1

20.30 h


The horizontal line projected onto the screen trembles. When Hiroaki Umeda moves on stage, his energy transfers from his pelvis to his spine, to his arms and finally to the digital screen behind him, which visualizes the released energy through curved lines...

Looking for example at rivers from afar, they appear to retain their static form; however, zooming in on a microscopic level, it is noticeable that they consist of ceaseless motion, waves, swirls and currents. Based on this concept, in “Intensional Particle” Umeda reinterprets the particles in space as active particles or points of mass and visualizes their intensional power.

When his movements on stage merge with the transient forms of digital particles, an entire universe emerges that dances like a living organism. Corporeal, photographic and sonar forces collide at exponential speed and, in one moment, reach the critical point of energy. The residual heat that arises and is transferred to the audience's bodies will linger there for a long time.

Hiroaki Umeda

Hiroaki Umeda is one of the leading figures in the Japanese avant-garde art scene and is known for his holistic artistic methodology with a strong digital focus that combines physical elements with optical, sensory and, above all, spatio-temporal components. Since 2002, his subtle yet powerful choreographies have been invited all over the world and performed in over 150 cities in 40 countries. Umeda has been commissioned by and choreographed for festivals and companies such as Götenborgs Operans Danskompani and L.A. Dance Project.

Since 2010, he has been working on a series of installations focusing on optical illusions and physical immersion, with the aim of constantly offering the audience new sensory experiences. His installations have been presented at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] and other international festivals.

In 2022, he became the resident choreographer of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 for two years.


Choreography & Dance: Hiroaki Umeda
Image Direction: S20
Visual Research: Ludovic Burczykowski
Image Programming: Shoya Dozono
Video Editing: Guillaume Gravier
Sound & Lighting Design: S20
Production: S20
Coproduction: Le Manège – Scène Nationale, le manège.mons, la Gare Numérique – Jeumont, la Maison des Arts de Créteil, Stereolux – Nantes, Mapping Festival – Genéve
