The NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ is a support program for the exchange and distribution of contemporary dance and theatre productions from Germany on a national and international level.
With the NPN Guest Performance Fund for Dance and the NPN Guest Performance Fund for Theatre it supports independent theatres, private theatres, city and state theatres, festivals and other cultural institutions and companies who work as presenters and would like to invite dance or theatre productions from a different German federal state. The NPN Impulse Fund for Dance & Theatre is intended to create new cooperation projects across federal states that tap development potential in the above-mentioned areas and regions and enable new “tangents” of cooperation.
The objective of the NPN Coproduction Fund for Dance and the NPN International Guest Performance Fund for Dance is to assist artists, programmers and producers’ mobility, exchange and cooperation on an international basis and to increase the presence of German artistic contemporary dance creations abroad.
NPN-STEPPING OUT opens up the non-theatrical, analogue, media and digital public space, as well as performative scene areas and fields of action that are still to be thought of or found.
The NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ is kindly supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, by 14 Departments of Culture and Arts of the German federal states: Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen.
Impulse Fund for Dance & Theatre
> March 3, 2024
In the context of the NPN’s two national guest performance funds, a new impulse funding model – developed together with the ministries – has been launched in 2022, which will subsidize projects from the fields of contemporary dance or contemporary theatre that promote exchange between regions in Germany where appropriate structures for the qualitative development and strengthening of the local scenes are lacking in both fields; or projects that involve artists/organizers/networks, etc. from regions in which these art forms are underrepresented.
Theatre Guest Performance
> January 15, 2025 (1st round)
> March 31, 2025 (2nd round)
Independent theatres, private theatres, city and state theatres, festivals and other cultural institutions and companies who work as presenters and would like to invite theatre productions from a different German federal state are eligible to apply.
Dance Guest Performances
> Januar 31, 2025 (1st round)
> April 15, 2025 (2nd round)
Independent theatres, private theatres, city and state theatres, festivals and other cultural institutions and companies who work as presenters and would like to invite dance productions from a different German federal state are eligible to apply.
International Guest Performances
> January 31, 2025 (1st round)
Companies/ artists that reside or are located in Germany and whose dance production is invited to perform in a foreign country are eligible to apply. The production was mostly realized in Germany.
> January 31, 2025 (1st round)
The NPN Coproduction Fund for Dance assists artists, programmers and producers' mobility, exchange and cooperation on a national and international basis. It advances the creation of new dance productions that extend beyond solos or small formats. The artists' origins are irrelevant; however, production must take place in Germany to a substantial degree.
No further rounds are planned at the moment.
NPN-STEPPING OUT opens up the non-theatrical, analogue, media and digital public space, as well as performative scene areas and fields of action that are still to be thought of or found.
The following are entitled to apply: individual artists, dance teachers, dance ensembles, collectives, production centers, venues, festivals, production offices and dance networks, natural and legal persons with headquarters or a residence (in the case of natural people) in Germany that are not significantly publicly funded or supported with a percentage of public funds that is less than 50%.

In 1999, NPN Guest Performance Fund for Dance was introduced by 6 German dance presenters: Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), JOINT ADVENTURES (Munich), Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik (Hamburg), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt am Main), Theater im Pfalzbau (Ludwigshafen) and tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf), together with the former Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, and the 5 Departments of Culture and Arts of the German federal states Bayern, Berlin, Bremen, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Thüringen. Since then, the objective of this support initiative has been to present dance productions and make them accessible to a wide audience in Germany. In 2009, NPN Guest Performance Fund for Theater was established according to the Guest Performance Fund for Dance model.
In the context of Tanzplan Deutschland, an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation established for five years, the NPN Guest Performance Fund for Dance was expanded to include a Coproduction Support program from 2005-2010. Since 2013, the German Bundestag's Budget Committee provides funds that ensure continuity in artistic work and a greater international presence for German dance. It was thus possible to continue the NPN Coproduction Fund for Dance, and to initiate the NPN International Guest Performance Fund for Dance as a new support model.