Unfortunately, this workshop cannot take place for personal reasons!
Lucca Alves
„Vogue Fem“
August 5 - 9
15.00 - 17.00 H
Studio E
All Levels
In English
Within ballroom, there are three performance categories: Old Way, New Way, and Vogue Fem. The workshop will have a strong focus on Vogue Fem, a dance created by transwomen in the 1970s and 80s. We explore the history of the Vogue dance and the development of Vogue Fem, get to know the elements of the dance itself, and of course the power and self-confidence it can foster. Active members of the ballroom community will join our conversation circles and share their personal experiences inside and outside of ballrooms.
You are recommended to bring comfortable clothes that make you feel free and help bringing out the best version of yourself – be it heels, a skirt, or a wig. If you have sensitives knees, it would be helpful to bring knee pads.
Lucca Alves aka. Lucca Louboutin began his dance training in jazz and urban dance, among others at the dance school of the renowed company Grupo Corpo in Belo Horizonte. In 2016, he took part in Vogue Fever, the biggest ballroom event in Latin America at the time, learning from people like Arturo Mugler, Icon Sinia, Omari Oricci. Since then, he has focused on Vogue Fem. Lucca currently continues his studies in Europe and Germany and owns a statement status within the Kiki scene of ballroom.
The workshop will take place within a safe(r) space context and explicitly invites people who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+, FLINTA*, BI*POC, Latinx community. From all other participants we expect a clear positioning against queerphobia, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and racism.
People from the LGBTQIA+, FLINTA*, BI*POC, Latinx community with limited financial means are asked to contact Barbara Galli-Jescheck personally via
089 244 1764 92