Sandra Marín Garcia
“Crystal Pite’s Tools & Vocabulary”
Juli 30 – August 3
Studio A
15.00 – 17.00 H > All Levels
17.45 – 19.15 H > Professionals
In English
Under the direction of internationally renowned Canadian choreographer Crystal Pite, Kidd Pivot’s distinct choreographic language – a breadth of movement fusing classical elements and the complexity and freedom of structured improvisation – is marked by a strong theatrical sensibility and a keen sense of wit and invention. The dancer and choreographer Sandra Marín Garcia was a long-time member of the company Kidd Pivot.
Her workshop will consist of an improvisation that will offer Crystal Pite’s tools to be able to access her work and vocabulary when learning fragments of her repertoire. The improvisation will be based on kinesthetics, establishing a dialogue between the intuition and the intellect. We will warm up the body, starting from the spine and leading towards the extremities, exploring all the possibilities in the body and the relationships that can be stablished within it and with the space. The improvisation will be explorative and non-performative.
In the All Levels class different structures and games will be shared to be able to experience and tap into different sequences from Crystal’s work.
After the improvisation, the Professional’s class will lead into the process of learning the fragment of a solo from Crystal Pite, in which we will be able to experience how the tools can transform into conveying a narrative of the body.
Sandra danced with various companies such as the Polish Dance Theatre, Theater Vorpommern in Greifswald and Stralsund, Theater Dortmund, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Cullberg Ballet, Netherlands Dance Theatre I and Kidd Pivot. During this time, she worked with important choreographers such as Ralf Dörnen, Ed Wubbe, Johan Inger, Paul Lightfoot, Sol León, Mats Ek, Marina Mascarell, Jiri Kylián and Crystal Pite. Since 2010 she has also worked as a choreographer and lecturer and realised projects for dance enthusiasts 60+.