Sabine Haß-Zimmermann
“Contemporary Dance for Golden Agers”

Juli 30 – August 9
17.45 – 19.15 H
Studio A
In German


Sabine Haß-Zimmermann's workshop combines the release technique with elements from Yoga and the Feldenkrais method. The class begins on the floor. Breathing exercises and mobilisation serve to refine self-awareness. Through progressively more dynamic passages, the training eventually leads to choreography which can also include improvisation and partner work. Participants experiment playfully with their form and expression. The focus is on feeling one's own possibilities, the joy and fun of movement.

The workshop is aimed at all dance enthusiasts of the 50+ generation and combines different levels, regardless of the participant's background in movement.

Sabine studied dance, Contact Improvisation, acrobatics, singing and acting in Munich and New York. She had numerous international guest performances and worked as a founding member of Coogan Dancers, with Theater Winterquartier and for many years in artistic collaboration with Micha Purucker. She is a trained Feldenkrais practitioner, member of the Tanztendenz München e.V. and has been involved in “Tanz und Schule” as a teacher and project manager at many Munich schools since 2006.

A Yoga or fitness mat is required for participation in the workshop. Mats will be provided, but each participant is also invited to bring his/her own mat.