Ingrid Berger Myhre
"Spelling Spectacle" (German premiere)

4 August 2024
20.30 - 21.30 H


22,- EUR / 12,- EUR / 30,- EUR Supporting price


“Spelling Spectacle” is a game that follows a meticulously thought-out plan. With each move, the three performers cast a glance into the immediate future and try not to succumb to either their individual whims or the strict principle of collectivism. If they stick to the rules of the game, they risk running into the wall, going hopelessly round in circles and missing their targets. If, on the other hand, they remain true to their individual ideas, they risk sabotaging the collective effort.

This productive dilemma becomes the driving force behind the performance, which is created in real time. One step follows the next and whenever one room is left, another mysterious door opens somewhere else.

The Norwegian Ingrid Berger Myhre lives in Brussels and is one of those artists who constantly and cleverly explore the possibilities of dance and theater - and do so with witty charm. 

Choreography: Ingrid Berger Myhre
In collaboration with: Nicola Gunn, Ida Wigdel
Performance: Nicola Gunn, Ida Wigdel, Ingrid Berger Myhre
Lighting design: Fudetani Ryoya
Scenography: Oshin Albrecht
Music: Lasse Passage
Costume design: Signe Vasshus
Consultancy: Thomas Bîrzan, Eirik Blekesaune
Thanks to: Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld, Yuhan Ashley Ho, Calvin Ferdinando Carrier, Hilde Ingeborg Sandvold

Production: Caravan Production
Co-production: Kunstencentrum BUDA, BIT Teatergarasjen, Rosendal Teater, Dansateliers Rotterdam

Residencies: STUK kunstencentrum, Pianofabriek, Kaaitheatre, Kunstencentrum KAAP, Tanzfabriek Üferstudios Berlin

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Vlaamse Gemeenschap

Co-produced by Advancing Performing Arts Project (apap) - FEMINIST FUTURES - a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Guest performance funding: Arts Council Norway